August 29, 2007

A(B)SURD Syndrome

Am Smart U r Dumb

Something which seems to prevail with some of my friends or should i call them as friends is something which i never seems to get an answer.The reason behind this blog - simple.I met one such character on saturday while we went for an Orpahnage visit & then again on monday who managed to completely put me off.And believe me am not one of those i meet & i hate you types.Why is that some of us can't accept that probably the person whom you are interacting might have some knowledge on everything & that probably you might sadly lag behind.Grow up folks.It's not that all of us are dumb or that all of us are smart.

And am amazed by the attitude which they throw but then there again i have only one thing to say - if you think that being smart or trying to act smart might create a huge fanclub or audience to you - SORRY that's just not gonna happen ever.ABSURD isn't it to have an ego which is mountain high when you ar nothing but a mole :)

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