December 28, 2006

Last 3 days

3 more days & one more year gone.It's been a great year for me interms of gaining good friends,change of job (for the better) & last but not the least the shift to Hyderabad.Only wish that it could have happened a bit earlier than this.Not that am cribbing.Am fine with the shift inspite of the hardship am gonna face there.

On the darker side,i have ended up hurting few but am trying to correct that.It's tough building back the trust but hey am not complaining afterall am the reason for all that happened. I can never undo what has already been done but i'll atleast try not to err again in the same way.

To ERR is afterall human & am one :)


Vinod Ramamoorthy said...

To Err is human .. To repeat Err is Dumb human :)

Happy new year. Have a great year ahead

Ramaa Iyer said...

Vinod - To you too & a Very happy new year to you too